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CG - Navigating the Products Page
CG - Navigating the Products Page

Find out about the changes and improvements we are making to the main Products page to help you manage stock and listings

Chelsea Kelly avatar
Written by Chelsea Kelly
Updated over 10 months ago

After listening to customer feedback we recently re-designed our main Products page to make managing your stock and listings easier and more efficient!

This re-structure is not just cosmetic, but will also pave the way for us to add many new product and listing management features, so watch this space for lots of useful additions over the coming months!  :)

Firstly, we have simplified the general layout into a table to make it more concise and allow more products to be viewed at once.  It is also easier to see your available stock and where each SKU is listed at a glance on the Listings tab:


Now that we have consolidated the products list, if you have variation products then all variants for one product will be grouped under one "parent" row, which will show the title and primary image of the product.  Simply click the blue expand arrow to the left of the row to show all variants for a specific product and view/edit their available stock levels.  If you want to expand ALL variation products at once, click the white expand arrow at the very top left of the Products table:


If you have items that are not yet listed on all of your sales channels, you can also use ChannelGrabber to add that product as a new listing on your other sales channels by clicking on the Add Listing button (see guide on how to Create a Listing for more detail):

As well as being able to easily see where each product is listed, you can also click through the other views/tabs on the left side of the table header, to view and add further information about your products.

The Details tab allows you to choose a stock mode and value to be applied to your listings (see Guide to using advanced Stock Modes for more detail) as well as applying Weight, Dimensions and Cost Price to your products to help when processing shipping labels and running stock exports/reports in ChannelGrabber:

The VAT tab allows UK/EU customers to set the correct VAT Rate per listing so that your ChannelGrabber invoicing can be automated:

We have also introduced an additional Stock tab with more functionality such as Awaiting Dispatch quantities (ie. stock that has been ordered and allocated away from the "Available" stock figure but hasn't yet been sent out) and other useful additions, such as Low Stock Thresholds, including stock on order in available stock, and Picking Locations.


Other than the above changes, the functionality from the previous Products page design is still accessible, such as the Search bar to allow you to search for specific product names and SKUs:


The Add button which allows you to create brand new Products from scratch in ChannelGrabber (see guides on how to Create a New Single Product and Create a New Variation Product for more info):

The Delete button if you want to remove a product from your ChannelGrabber inventory:

The Stock Export and Stock Import buttons which allow you to export and import stock levels in bulk (see guide on how to Check/change stock levels and update stock in bulk for more detail):

We have also added more functionality for uploading new products in bulk, and exporting and importing Linked Products in bulk too!

We hope this guide helps you to get the most from the new and improved Products page and we will update this as all the great new features that we are working on are added to the live system  :)

If you have suggestions for features you would find useful and would like us to consider adding to the ChannelGrabber Products page, you can email them to and we can then document them or add your vote if the idea is already on our radar.

Happy Channel-Grabbing!

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