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CCP - WooCommerce – Listing Products in Bulk
CCP - WooCommerce – Listing Products in Bulk
Dylan West avatar
Written by Dylan West
Updated over a week ago

This guide will take you through the process of listing products and ranges to WooCommerce in bulk via spreadsheet using Cloud Commerce Pro.

1. Admin Centre

To get started you need to export a list of your products. It is always advised to work from a freshly exported list of products to ensure the information is fully up to date.

Click “Products” to continue.

2. Product Range List

Click “Exports” from the product range page.

3. Product Exports

Click “Export Products” from the product exports page.

4. Product Exports – In Progress

A new entry will show at the bottom of the list displaying the status of the export.

Update the progress of the export by clicking the refresh button as pictured above.

5. Product Exports – Complete

Complete will show under status when the export has completed.

1. Hover the mouse over “Actions” for more options.

2. Click “Download Spreadsheet”. Save the spreadsheet to a memorable location on your computer or find it in your downloads folder depending on your browser settings.

6. Exported Spreadsheet

Open the exported spreadsheet from your computer and it should look similar to the example above.

You can use this document to create a template for your upload. Start by copying the headers from the top row of the document. Move the cursor anywhere in row 1, press SHIFT+SPACE to select the whole row and CTRL+C to copy the headers.

Create a new blank spreadsheet (File > New) and paste the row at the top of it with CTRL+V.

Now you need to find the products or ranges you wish to add within your exported spreadsheet. Press CTRL+F to open the find window. You can search by anything unique to that product such as SKU or range name.

Copy and paste the products and ranges into the new spreadsheet in the same way you did the headers.

7. Editing Spreadsheet Data

You can edit details of the products on the spreadsheet at this point if needed such as price.

If you are uploading product ranges, ensure the headers are correct and end with “DRD” as this tells the system to display the listing with a dropdown menu to allow customers to select from different sizes or colours for example.

WooCommerce listings also need Woo categories set up. If you took an export from your existing website then these should already exist on the spreadsheet. If not, you can add them at any point on the spreadsheet along with the rest of the "OPT" headers.

Woo categories should be written "OPT_WooCategory1", "OPT_WooCategory2" etc. The information you enter here should correspond to where in your websites navigation you want this product to display.

Your website's navigation is made up of a series of categories which are then organised. Log into your website or contact whoever manages your site to get a list of these categories.

Please note that categories in WooCommerce can be set up to have a display name. This means the name of the category might be different to how it appears on the website itself. For the sake of filling in your WooCategories for CCP, it is important to use the original category name, not it's display name.

When you have all your products on the new spreadsheet configured how you need them, save the document in a memorable location with an easily recognisable file name.

8. Product Range

Navigate back to the product range page and click “Imports”.

9. Product Imports

From the product imports page click “Upload Spreadsheet”.

10. Product Imports – Upload Complete

When the upload is complete it will display at the bottom of the list.

Check the box under “Use” and scroll down for more options.

11. Product Imports – Follow The Steps

With your uploaded spreadsheet selected for use, you need to go through each of the following steps sequentially to pull specific bits of data for the system to populate your Woo Commerce listing. This is done to preserve the integrity of the data.

Start with Step 1 and click the button besides it, in this case “Import Options”. The box will change to show the status of the import. Once it changes from “queued” to “complete”, scroll back up to your spreadsheet upload and check the box for “use” once more.

Repeat this process for steps 1 to 8.

12. Product Imports – Continue The Steps

Once steps 1 to 8 have completed successfully, do the same for Step 13which is the final step, by clicking “Add To Channel”.

13. Product Imports – Add To Channel

After clicking “Add To Channel” a window will open with a list of available sales channels.

Click “Use” next to the channel you want to use, in this example Woo Commerce.

14. Product Imports – Import Complete

The status of the import will be displayed. Once this changes to “Complete”, your import is done and your listing will show on your Woo Commerce site.

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