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CCP - Manually creating a Multipack of Products
CCP - Manually creating a Multipack of Products
Dylan West avatar
Written by Dylan West
Updated over a week ago

This guide will take you through the process of creating a multipack (bundle) of products manually on Cloud Commerce Pro.

Multipacks are a collection of existing items from your system. These packages are perfect for setting up collections of related items to be sold together with a discount to stimulate sales. You may also sell products made up of multiple parts that are all for sale individually on your system.

Multipacks provide an effective way of bundling products together for a multitude of reasons.

1. Admin Centre

Click “Products” from the Admin Centre.

2. Product Range List

From the Product Range List click the “Add Range” button.

3. New Product Range

First you must create a product range to contain your multipack product.

1. Give your range a title. This will most likely be the name you want to give your multipack.

2. While typing your range title, a SKU code will be automatically generated. If you want to use a different SKU or make your own you can overwrite it.

3. Click “Next” to continue.

4. Range Options

1. Tick the options you want to use with this range. You can reuse options created previously or add new ones. What you select here largely depends on the layout of your website, the channels the listing is intended for as well as any variations that may be added.

2. Click “Next” to continue.

5. Product Range Created

A window will show to confirm the creation of your range.

Click “Add Variations” to add a multipack to your range.

6. New Product Variation

1. The product name will be automatically populated with the name you gave the range. If you need to alter it, you can do here.

2. Click “Create SKU” to generate a SKU code for your multipack or enter your own in the space provided.

3. Enter details of your multipack here.

4. If you use barcodes you can enter one in the box provided or click “Use Barcode” to allocate one from your pool of available barcodes.

5. Click “Next” to continue.

7. Option Values

1. Set the option values here. These will largely be determined by how your website is setup and do tend to vary accordingly.

2. Click “Next” to continue.

8. Variation Type

1. In this instance you are creating a multipack range than a single item variation. Put a check next to “Multi-Pack” to select it.

2. Click “Next” to continue.

9. Add Items

Click “Add Item” to begin adding the products that will make up your multipack.

10. Select Items

Find the first item you want to add to your package either using the search box or the alphabetical filters to narrow the list.

11. Select items – Choose a variation

The drop downs beneath the items show all the variations available for that product. Click the variation to select it.

12. Add Item

A window will show to ask for confirmation. Click “Yes” to add the product to your multipack.

13. Review Your Addition

1. The item you added will appear on the page as part of the package. Certain values can be changed for the item, but it is best to do this once all products have been added.

2. Click “Add Item” and repeat steps 10 to 12 to add all the items you require for your package.

14. Package Configuration

1. This is the net price (before VAT) of your package.

2. Package Price % represents the proportion of the total sale price that this item represents. For example, if your package is made up of two very cheap products and one expensive one, you would want to set the package price for the expensive item much higher to reflect this. The percentages must add up to 100% in order to continue.

3. You can set the quantity of the product to be added to the multipack.

4. Click “Next” to continue.

15. Add Images

1. Click “Browse File” to open an explorer window. Navigate to the image you wish to add for the package.

2. Click “Next” to continue.

16. Variation Summary

A window will show to confirm your variation has been added.

If you have missed something you can click “Edit” to go back, otherwise click “Finish” to continue.

17. Complete Multipack

Your package is now complete. You can edit the details further from this page if needed. The system uses the stock levels of the items in the pack to determine the multipack stock level.

You can now add the package to a sales channel such as Amazon or eBay via the selling section or the product manager. See the various guides for listing on sales channels for more information.

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