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CCP - Creating Multipacks of Products in Bulk
CCP - Creating Multipacks of Products in Bulk
Dylan West avatar
Written by Dylan West
Updated over a week ago

This guide will take you through the process of creating a multipack (bundle) of products in bulk via spreadsheet on Cloud Commerce Pro.

Multipacks are a collection of existing items from your system. These packages are perfect for setting up collections of related items to be sold together with a discount to stimulate sales. You may also sell products made up of multiple parts that are all for sale individually on your system.

Multipacks provide an effective way of bundling products together for a multitude of reasons.

Adding multipacks via spreadsheet is a popular choice as it gives you a way of adding a lot of multipacks at once, perfect for setting up a new webstore or dealing with a complex new line of products. You can then manually add new ones in the future if needed.

If you need a guide for adding multipacks manually, click here.

1. Admin Centre

Click “Products” from the Admin Centre to continue.

2. Product Range List

Click the “Exports” button from the Product Range page.

3. Product Exports

We need data from our existing products to populate our spreadsheet in order to create our multipacks. Exporting your product data to a spreadsheet makes it very easy to find and copy and paste the individual bits of data required.

Click “Export Products” to continue.

4. Product Exports – Download Spreadsheet

Your export will appear at the bottom of the list. Check the date and times if you are unsure which to use.

1. Hover the mouse over “Actions” besides the export you want to download.

2. Click “Download Spreadsheet” and save the spreadsheet on to your computer. Place it in an easy to find location with an identifiable name.

5. Exported Products Spreadsheet

Open your spreadsheet you just downloaded and it should be similar to the one pictured above.

Press CTRL + F to search for the products you want to use in your multipacks.

6. Multipack Spreadsheet Template

The example above shows how the headers must appear on the spreadsheet in order to be suitable for uploading multipacks.

To save time you can download this template here: Multi-Pack Template

7. Spreadsheet Example – A

1. RANGE_ID – This can be left blank

2. RANGE_SKU – The SKU code for the range of products you want to link this multipack with. In the example above we are adding a starter pack bundle for a GoPro camera, so the logical range to add this to would be the same as the GoPro camera itself since that represents the most significant item in multipack.

3. RANGE_Name – The name of the range of products you want to link this multipack with. This should be the same range as the RANGE_SKU.

4. PROD_ID – This can be left blank.

5. PROD_SKU – This is the SKU code you want to give to the multipack which acts as its unique identifier.

6. PROD_Name – The name you want to give your multipack.

7. PROD_Description – This populates the description for the multipack. Be sure to include the HTML tags <p> and </p> to ensure the text is properly formatted.

See the next step for the rest of the spreadsheet.

8. Spreadsheet Example – B

1. PROD_Barcode – This is the barcode you want to assign to the multipack (optional).

2. PROD_VATRate – VAT rate for the multipack. In this example 0.2 represents 20% for the UK VAT rate. If you sell internationally you may need to alter this field.

3. PROD_BasePrice – The net price (before VAT) of your multipack.

4. ITEM1_Perc – This is the approximate percentage of the product that makes up the multipack. In the example above, the first multipack in row 2 is made up of 4 different items each making up 25%. The multipack in row 3 has 3 items with a 34%, 33%, 33% split. The final 2 multipacks contain multiples of the same item so the percentage is 100%. You can divide this however you want, but it must add up to 100% in the end.

5. ITEM1_Quantity – This represents the quantity of the first item in the multipack. In the example above there are 4 different items, so the item quantity is 1 for each. The last two are multipacks that contain 4 of the same item, therefore they show a figure of 4 in this field.

6. ITEM1_SKULinks – This is the individual SKU code for the product variation you are adding to the multipack. It is important that this is the SKU code for the product itself and not the range.

The percentage, quantity and SKU fields for each item can be repeated as many times as needed for each individual product making up the multipack. The template gives you space for 16 products to get you started.

When you have all the multipacks added to your spreadsheet save it somewhere easy to find with a memorable name.

9. Imports

Navigate to the Product Range page and click “Imports”.

10. Product Imports – Upload Spreadsheet

Click “Upload Spreadsheet” from the Product Imports page.

An explorer window will open. Navigate to the spreadsheet you saved with your multipacks to be uploaded and click “Open”.

11. Product Imports – Use Spreadsheet

Your spreadsheet will be added to the list alphabetically. Navigate to it and check the box below “Use”.

12. Import Multi Pack Products

Scroll down the page to Step 12: Multi Pack Import Results.

1. The dropdown gives you the option to either ignore the multipacks already imported or replace them. This is personal preference. For example, you might want to keep a spreadsheet with all of your multipacks and simply add new ones on as you go. In this case, ignoring the previously imported ones would be useful.

2. Click “Import Multi Pack Products” to start the import. The import is complete when the status shows as complete.

If you run into errors it could be that some data was entered incorrectly or something has been missed. Re-open your spreadsheet and check it over. A lot of errors can be eliminated by copying the data from your spreadsheet (only the data, not the empty fields) and pasting it into a new blank spreadsheet and re-saving it. Often little bits of data get left behind in spreadsheets when they are being copied to and from many times. This can cause data integrity issues when little bits of data are found where they should not be.

13. View Your Multipack

After uploading you might want to re-visit some of the multipacks to add more data such as images or change some of the finer details. Navigate to the product range page and find the range you added a multipack to. After clicking on the range, the multipack will be displayed amongst that ranges’ variations.

You could also search for the multipack from the search bar on the product range page.

14. Multipack Details

Your final multipack can be edited like any other product variation. Add weights and dimensions, change the name, description, price, add images and much more.

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