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CCP - Dispatching using the Pack Station View
CCP - Dispatching using the Pack Station View
Written by Cloud Commerce Pro
Updated over 4 years ago

Dispatching using the Pack Station view

The Pack Station view is an alternative dispatch process which is appropriate in some warehouse locations. You may use this as your main dispatch view for your warehouse or use the standard dispatch queue.

The pack station is a speedy and simplified dispatch process that requires almost no training for your staff and is designed specifically to create highly accurate dispatch processes using simple, low cost barcode scanners.

This view is used in warehouses that use a two stage pick and pack process. For example you can have a team member picking using CCP bulk pick lists or advanced barcode scanners and then other team members packing using the pack station view.

The advantage of the pack station view is that the user does not need to look at any paperwork and no pick lists need to be supplied with the items. Using the pack station view simply scan an item that is brought to you by the pickers and CCP will identify the next most urgent order to feature that item. If the order contains just one item the order will immediately enter auto dispatch mode, contact the courier and print and/or email any supporting documentation. While the item is packaged, the appropriate labels come out of the printer and are ready to be applied the the box or packet. This is a very fast process.

In the event that more items are required to fulfil an order the pack station will show the required items on the screen.

1. Click the packing station icon to start the process

Click the packing station icon to open the packing station screen.

You can also set this screen to be the default view for your warehouse users, limiting them access only to this screen.

2. View a list of your orders

Depending on your configuration, the packing station view will show either a list of all your orders or just the ones that have been picked in the warehouse so far.

3. Scan the barcode on any item that has been picked

Scan the barcode on any item that has been picked by your pickers. The packing station will automatically find the most relevant or urgent order for this product and load it on the screen.

4. Auto Dispatch

If the item you scanned is the only item on an order then the order will automatically move into auto dispatch mode.

After the preset time determined by you, the order will be completed and additional actions such as contacting the carrier for a dispatch label, notifying the sales channel that it has been sent and printing or emailing documentation you require will all happen automatically and immediately.

While you are packing the item into the package or box all the above actions will take place and the label will be immediately available (after a few seconds to allow for response from the carrier) to stick on the parcel or package.

Using the pack station creates a simple, highly accurate and super fast way to dispatch items.

If the order consists of more than one item you will be shown on the screen which items remain to be packed. Once all items have been scanned, the order will enter auto dispatch mode as above.

5. Manual Entry

If you prefer you can also enter the quantities manually using a touchscreen or a keyboard.

6. Enter the desired quantity

Once you have entered the quantity and assuming it matches the total amount expected to be dispatched, the order will go into auto dispatch mode in the same way as if you have scanned the items.

7. Stopping the auto dispatch

You can stop the auto dispatch process at any time by pressing the Cancel Auto Dispatch button. You must press the button before the timer expires of course. The timer can be set to any time you prefer but typically is set to around 3 to 5 seconds.

You may choose to cancel auto dispatch for a number of reasons, perhaps to change the order to go with a different carrier

8. Open orders manually

You can also open orders manually by clicking on the arrow next to the order.

9. Quick marking all items as dispatched

If you prefer not to enter quantities or scan the items, you can press the pick all items button which will immediately mark each item on the order as fully dispatched. This is of course potentially less accurate than barcode scanning depending on the operator.

Once you press this button the order will enter auto dispatch mode.

10. Creating a customs declaration

You can easily create customs declarations and associated paperwork by simply clicking the customs declaration button. Cloud Commerce Pro will generate the required paperwork completed automatically.

11. Selecting a different carrier

To select a different carrier to the one automatically calculated by your postage rules, click the change courier button.

12. Click Select on the modal window

A modal window will pop up with a list of available Shipping rules. Click Select next to the appropriate rule to apply.

13. Click OK to close

A confirmation will appear – Click the OK button close the modal window. Please note that even if you choose not to dispatch the order fully at this time, the chosen carrier and service will be remembered.

14. Click back to exit the order with dispatching it

If you wish to exit the order without completing the dispatch you should use the Back button. DO NOT use the complete button as this will mark the order as completed without dispatching the items. You will be warned if you choose this option and CCP thinks the order is not complete.

15. Filter single item orders

You can filter to see just single item orders if you prefer to pick those separately.

16. Trade and Retail

If you dispatch both trade and retail orders you may wish to filter and choose to see only one type or the other.

17. Printed or Not Printed

You can choose to see only orders that have had a pick list printed if you are operating a manual pick process. This can also be configured to be your default view in this case.

18. Print Pick Lists

You can also print pick lists from within this screen or from the main dispatch view.

If you require any further help with the packing station view please speak to your project manager who will be happy to demonstrate the benefits.

The packing station view is included for all users.

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