All shipping addresses are imported automatically from your sales channel, such as Magento, Amazon, eBay or your website. Occasionally your customer will advise you they wish to change the address before the order is dispatch.
There is also a video guide here:
1. Open the order details windows
Click the details button to open the order details screen.
2. Click the pen icon next to the address
Click the pen icon next to the address to open the edit address screen.
3. Click the address you wish to edit
Sometimes the customer will have multiple addresses. Select the one you wish to edit.
4. Make the change
Correct or change the address as required. In this example we have corrected the house number from 1 to 4 Acacia Avenue.
Next click save.
5. Select the address
Select the modified address to apply the change to the order.
6. The order is updated in the details screen
Check the change has been applied to the order details screen and close the screen using the βXβ in the top right corner.
7. The address is updated in the dispatch view
You should see the new address in the dispatch view. Your order is ready to send to the new address.