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CCP - 1-Click Batches

Creating batches of products to be dispatched later on

Dylan West avatar
Written by Dylan West
Updated over a week ago

This guide will walk you through the process of creating a batch of multiple orders for the same item, and generating the necessary pick lists for your team. This allows you to return to the batch of orders once picked and easily dispatch them in one go.

1. Admin Centre

From the admin centre in Cloud Commerce Pro, click the "Order Dispatch" button from the menu.

2. Order Dispatch Screen

Once on the order dispatch screen, you can search for orders that include a certain product by searching against the product's SKU code.

3. Select Orders

All undispatched orders with that SKU will now display in a list. Select the ones you want to batch together either individually by clicking the check box besides it, or select them all by using the check box at the top.

4. Actions Menu

With your orders selected, head back to the top of the screen and hover your mouse over the "Actions" tab. This will present a menu of the many powerful dispatching features in Cloud Commerce Pro.

Click "1-Click Dispatch" to continue.

5. 1-Click Dispatch Screen

The 1-Click Dispatch screen allows you to customise your new batch of orders.

Check the box next to "Print Picking Lists" to generate a single pick list for the whole batch. You can choose whether you want the pick list to display by order or by product, depending on what works best for your warehouse operation.

You can name your new batch something familiar if you intend to return to it later. This is wise if you are creating a large number of batches.

Once you are happy with your batch settings, click "Dispatch Orders" at the bottom.

Please note, since we have not selected anything under "Pack Operations", the orders will not be marked as dispatched at this time.

6. Recalling Batches

Lets fast forward a little and assume your team have been busy picking all the orders, and now you want to find that batch again to dispatch them.

From the order dispatch screen hover your mouse over the "1-Click Batch" tab. If your batch was created very recently it will show in the list of recent batches for quick recall. If not, click "View Batches" to search for it.

A larger list of recent batches will be displayed here. If you still don't see your batch, use the search box provided to find it, either by the unique name you gave it, or by the date when it was created.

8. Recalled Batch

Your batch will display on the familiar order dispatch screen. Use the check boxes to select some or all of the orders and hover the mouse over the "Actions" tab to continue.

9. Actions Tab Continued

With the orders from your batch selected, click "Multi-Order Dispatch" to begin the dispatching process.

10. Multi-Order Dispatch Screen

On the multi-order dispatch screen, you can use the check boxes provided to dispatch your batch of orders to your needs.

Once you're happy with everything, click "Dispatch Orders" to print any labels and invoices and update the orders in Cloud Commerce Pro, as well as any relevant sales channels such as Ebay or Amazon to say the orders are now dispatched.

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