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CCP - Troubleshooting: Failed Mapping Errors
CCP - Troubleshooting: Failed Mapping Errors

Common errors that you may encounter while mapping listings from your various sales channels to Cloud Commerce Pro

Dylan West avatar
Written by Dylan West
Updated over a week ago

This guide will introduce failed mappings and how to be aware of them. We will also catalogue some of the more common errors along with potential fixes that you can use yourself.


Finding Failed Mappings

Cloud Commerce Pro will alert you to failed mappings with a warning message on the Admin Centre. Click the message to be taken to the Failed Mappings screen.

If the message is not present, but you still wish to view the Failed Mapping screen, you can press the "Failed Mappings" button from the Admin Centre menu.

Failed Mapping Screen

When arriving on the Failed Mapping screen, it will be mostly blank. Use the drop-down provided to select the sales channel with the failed mappings. Only channels with failed mappings will display here.

Next to each failed listing are three function buttons:

  1. Retry - This will check the mapping to see if it is still failing. Sometimes the issues that cause failed mappings are time limited and will eventually fix themselves.

  2. Unmap, Auto Remap - This will unmap the listing and attempt to remap it once more.

  3. Unmap, DO NOT Remap - This will unmap the listing without attempting to automatically remap it.

Use these functions as directed by the advice given below for your specific error message.

Common Failed Mapping Error Messages

Below you will find an extensive list of failed mapping errors organised by sales channel including any potential fixes we are aware of. This is not an exhaustive list and will be added to as our specialist support team and developers encounter new errors.

Error Message

Missing EcommProductVariation


This means the frontend listing on the selling page has not fully connected to the backend, and there is a disconnected feed on the product not talking from the backend to the frontend in the data feed.


Run either the "Retry" feature on the failed mappings screen or "Unmap, Auto Remap". This will force a reconnection and allow the listing to reconnect the data again.

If this keeps failing after 2 or 3 tries, please contact our Support Team for further investigation.


Missing ECommWooVariations


This means the frontend listing on the selling page has not fully connected to the backend, and there is a disconnected feed on the product not talking from the backend to the frontend in the data feed.


Run either the "Retry" feature on the failed mappings screen or "Unmap, Auto Remap". This will force a reconnection and allow the listing to reconnect the data again.

If this keeps failing after 2 or 3 tries, please contact our Support Team for further investigation.


The product you are mapping to is in a deleted range! Please map to an active product


The product you are trying to map has been deleted from the CCP inventory.


From Failed mapping tab click on the "Unmap, DO NOT Remap" button. Now head into the mapping page, select WooCommerce and search for the item using one of the options and remap the listings to an active listing.


Missing BackendProduct


This means the product which was originally mapped to has been deleted from the products page data.


If the listing you are trying to map to has been updated with a new SKU, then unmap and remap the listing manually via the product mapping page directly. If the listing in question is no longer in CCP’s database, then an import of the product needs to be run via the Product Mapping page.


HTTP Error[Could not find a part of the path 'C:\wp-content\uploads\2020\02\GF-no-image.png'.] while trying to download images [/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/GF-no-


This means there is no image that has been passed to CCP from the linked channel. It is likely the image doesn’t exist anymore.


Check the listing directly on the channel and ensure the listing has an image. If there is an image, check the size format.

Thumbnail sizes like 200 x 200 are not recommended. Depending on which channel this is for depends on the size allowance.


Exception occured: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


If you are seeing this error on your failed listings, please contact support and advise them of the sales channel and SKU this error is linked to.


Requires the attention of a developer.


Exception occured: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\wp-


If you are seeing this error on your failed listings, please contact support and advise them of the sales channel and SKU this error is linked to.


Requires the attention of a developer.


Exception occured: The operation has timed out


This listing has timed out when the fetch and mapping process has been triggered.


From the failed mapping screen press the "Retry" or "Unmap, Auto Remap" button for this listing.


Exception occured: ConsumerKey, consumerSecret and storeUrl are required


The connection between CCP and your WooCommerce channel needs checking due to the API feed not being recognised.


From the Admin Centre, click "Configuration". From the Configuration menu click "Selling" then "Woo Commerce". In the Order Status Settings section click "Download".

If no error shows, retry the listing again via the failed mappings section.


Missing EcommEbayVariation


This means the frontend listing on the selling page has not fully connected to the backend, and there is a disconnected feed on the product not talking from the backend to the frontend in the data feed.


Run either the "Retry" feature on the failed mappings screen or "Unmap, Auto Remap". This will force a reconnection and allow the listing to reconnect the data again.

If this keeps failing after 2 or 3 tries, please contact our Support Team for further investigation.


Missing EcommEbayProductVariations


This means the frontend listing on the selling page has not fully connected to the backend, and there is a disconnected feed on the product not talking from the backend to the frontend in the data feed.


Run either the "Retry" feature on the failed mappings screen or "Unmap, Auto Remap". This will force a reconnection and allow the listing to reconnect the data again.

If this keeps failing after 2 or 3 tries, please contact our Support Team for further investigation.


Missing EcommAmazonProductVariations


This means the frontend listing on the selling page has not fully connected to the backend, and there is a disconnected feed on the product not talking from the backend to the frontend in the data feed.


Run either the "Retry" feature on the failed mappings screen or "Unmap, Auto Remap". This will force a reconnection and allow the listing to reconnect the data again.

If this keeps failing after 2 or 3 tries, please contact our Support Team for further investigation.


Missing ECommAmazonVariations


This means the frontend listing on the selling page has not fully connected to the backend, and there is a disconnected feed on the product not talking from the backend to the frontend in the data feed.


Run either the "Retry" feature on the failed mappings screen or "Unmap, Auto Remap". This will force a reconnection and allow the listing to reconnect the data again.

If this keeps failing after 2 or 3 tries, please contact our Support Team for further investigation.


Missing EcommMagento2ProductVariations


This means the frontend listing on the selling page has not fully connected to the backend, and there is a disconnected feed on the product not talking from the backend to the frontend in the data feed.


Run either the "Retry" feature on the failed mappings screen or "Unmap, Auto Remap". This will force a reconnection and allow the listing to reconnect the data again.

If this keeps failing after 2 or 3 tries, please contact our Support Team for further investigation.


Missing ECommMagento2Variations


This means the frontend listing on the selling page has not fully connected to the backend, and there is a disconnected feed on the product not talking from the backend to the frontend in the data feed.


Run either the "Retry" feature on the failed mappings screen or "Unmap, Auto Remap". This will force a reconnection and allow the listing to reconnect the data again.

If this keeps failing after 2 or 3 tries, please contact our Support Team for further investigation.


Sku matched Failed


This could be a few reasons.

  1. The SKU the listings is trying to map to has been deleted from CCP

  2. The connection may have failed to map the first time

  3. The range SKU may not be mapped

  4. The variations SKU might be under a different range SKU. If this is the case the variation needs to be under the range SKU already mapped.


Check the above in CCP and if everything is set correctly, retry the listing from the failed mapping page.


CloudStockSystems.Core.CloudStockSystemsCore+ccpMagento2ImportListings+ValidateParentIDException: Parent product '45055' does not exist! Try fetching your listings again. at CloudStockSystems.Core.CloudStockSystemsCore.ccpMagento2ImportListings.ValidateParentID(Magento2ImportListings listing) in C:\Development\BuildAgent_Services\work\cdbee2161d3e9f0e\CCP_Sites_Libraries\CloudStockSystems.Core\ccpMagento2\Listings\Magento2ImportListing-extended.cs:line 1742 at CloudStockSystems.Core.CloudStockSystemsCore.ccpMagento2ImportListings.ImportSingleProduct(Magento2ImportListings listing) in C:\Development\BuildAgent_Services\work\cdbee2161d3e9f0e\CCP_Sites_Libraries\CloudStockSystems.Core\ccpMagento2\Listings\Magento2ImportListing-extended.cs:line 1439


The Variation SKU has pulled into CCP but the Range SKU hasn’t.


On the Mapping page for the channel in question, search for the SKU. If there is no mapped range SKU, import this into CCP.

If the range SKU is showing as mapped via the product mapping page, unmap and remap the range SKU.

If you can’t locate the Range SKU after you have unmapped the listing and are trying to remap, this means the original SKU that it was mapped to has been deleted from CCP.

Double check this by searching for the product via the products tab. If there are no results, the listing will need to be re-imported back in.


skuxxxxx - already mapped to an existing Product


The SKU is already mapped to an existing SKU. Check the mapping.


On the Failed Mapping screen, click the "Unmap, Auto Remap" button.


Missing EcommShopifyProductVariations


This means the frontend listing on the selling page has not fully connected to the backend, and there is a disconnected feed on the product not talking from the backend to the frontend in the data feed.


Run either the "Retry" feature on the failed mappings screen or "Unmap, Auto Remap". This will force a reconnection and allow the listing to reconnect the data again.

If this keeps failing after 2 or 3 tries, please contact our Support Team for further investigation.


Missing ECommShopifyVariations


This means the frontend listing on the selling page has not fully connected to the backend, and there is a disconnected feed on the product not talking from the backend to the frontend in the data feed.


Run either the "Retry" feature on the failed mappings screen or "Unmap, Auto Remap". This will force a reconnection and allow the listing to reconnect the data again.

If this keeps failing after 2 or 3 tries, please contact our Support Team for further investigation.

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