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CCP - Configuring & Using EPOS Loyalty Points
CCP - Configuring & Using EPOS Loyalty Points

How to setup, view and use loyalty points with the till EPOS system in Cloud Commerce Pro

Dylan West avatar
Written by Dylan West
Updated over a week ago

This guide will walk you through how to configure Cloud Commerce Pro to use loyalty points on your CCP Till EPOS system. It will also cover how to view your customer's loyalty points in CCP and in the EPOS system as well as how to use them as a payment method.


1. Setup: Admin Centre

From the Admin Centre in Cloud Commerce Pro, click the Configuration button.

2. Setup: Configuration Menu

On the pop-out menu at the left of the screen, click Setup to drill into that section before clicking Loyalty Points.

3. Setup: Loyalty Points Settings

First, check the box next to "Enable loyalty points at a brand level".

Using the text boxes provided, set how many points a customer will receive for every £1 spent as well as the monetary value of each point.

For example, here we set 1 point for every £1 spent, with each point being worth £0.10. So if your customer spent £10, they would accrue 10 points, worth a total of £1.

Set your values however works best for you and click the Save Settings button.

You are now ready to start using loyalty points.

4. Viewing Points in CCP: Admin Centre

You can view your customer's loyalty points from within Cloud Commerce Pro.

From the Admin Centre, click the My Customers button.

5. Viewing Points in CCP: Search for Customer

Find your customer using the search box provided or browse for them using the alphabetised menu.

6. Viewing Points in CCP: Customer Details Screen

The loyalty points section of the customer details screen will show you their current points along with the monetary value of those particular points.

7. Viewing Points in EPOS: Login to CCP Till

You can also view a customer's loyalty points from the CCP Till EPOS system.

Login to your CCP Till as normal and click the Customer button.

8. Viewing Points in EPOS: Search for Customer

Use the search bar provided to find your customer. Possible results will display as you type. Select the one you wish to use from the list.

Click the Use This Customer button to continue.

9. Viewing Points in EPOS: Sales Mode Customer View

Now the customer has been selected, the value of any loyalty points they currently have will display at the top of the screen.

10. Using Points: Point of Sale

With the customers account selected as above, commit a sale to view the payment options.

Click the Loyalty Points button to use some or all of the customers points for this sale.

11. Using Points: Entering the Amount

Enter how much of their loyalty points the customer wants to use.

Pressing the Total button will use all available points.

Click Enter to confirm.

12. Using Points: Remaining Balance

If there is still some balance to be paid, this will be shown at the bottom. Use another payment method to complete the transaction.

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