How to dispatch using packaging types in the Packing Station.
βImportant note: If you want to use your Packaging types in the packing station, please contact the support team first for them to enable this.
1. Admin Centre
3. Order
1. Admin Centre
From the Admin Centre in Cloud Commerce Pro, click the Packing Station button.
2. Packing Station
Once on the packing station, find an order you want to use your packaging type on.
3. Order
On your order, click on the right facing arrow button.
4. Selecting Your Packaging Type
Now select from the Packaging Type drop down menu which packaging type you want to select for your order.
5. Dispatching Order Using Packaging Type
To dispatch your order with the packaging type, insert the stock you wish to dispatch. It should automatically start a countdown and start dispatching your order.
Alternatively you can click the Complete Order button.
This will the dispatch your order and use your packaging type.
For the example below, this will add 2 additional labels on your shipment and also 100gm to your order.
Please note:
Additional Labels DO NOT work with every courier. Please check with our dedicated support team if you are unsure.