Why may I want to view this report? - If you are unsure of why a stock appears as it does and also for general housekeeping
1. Admin Centre
From the Admin Centre in Cloud Commerce Pro, click the Reports button.
2. Reports Screen
Once in the reports section, click on the report titled - Recent Stock Transactions Report.
3. Viewing the Report
Once you have opened the report, the data should instantly appear without you clicking into anything.
You will see 6 column headers, these are as follows:
Product - Product name (Which also offers as a direct link to the product page)
User - Which user actioned the stock transaction
Amount - The amount of stock which has moved
Reason - The reason behind the stock moving
Date - The date the stock was moved
Bay - The warehouse bay (Product location) of the product in question
4. Exporting the report
Once you have the information, you will see two buttons. One called Export Report, the other for Download Exports.
The Export Report option will allow you to export onto a CSV file. The Download Exports option will show you all exports which have previously been downloaded.