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CG - Product Search & Filters

Find out more about searching for data within specific product fields and filtering your products by multiple criteria

Chelsea Kelly avatar
Written by Chelsea Kelly
Updated over a week ago

We are incredibly excited to announce that development work is now underway to introduce new and improved Search and Filter functionality to the main Products page!

Important Note:

Below is the full user guide for these new features, and we will be releasing each one as soon as development is complete, so if you see a function in the below guide that is not yet visible in your ChannelGrabber account, this just means it's on its way and will be released soon, but isn't live just yet.

Product Search Bar & Search Fields

Using the Search Bar you can enter any custom alpha-numeric value that you wish to search for your products by.

In addition to the existing search, for which results would include any SKU or Product Name that matches your search term, you can now take advantage of the new Search Fields selection button, to widen or narrow which specific product data fields you want to search within:

  1. Enter your search term into the Search Bar at the top left of the Search & Filter section.

  2. Click the Search Fields drop-down and tick as many of the fields as are appropriate for the search term you have entered into the Search Bar - you can select any/all of the following:

    • SKU

    • Product Name

    • EAN

    • UPC

    • MPN

    • ISBN

    • Variation Attribute

    (By default the "SKU" and "Product Name" fields will be selected, in order to retain the existing functionality for those users who may not utilise this new functionality)

  3. Click the Apply Filters button or click back into the Search Bar and hit enter on your keyboard to apply the search fields to the search term

  4. Voilà! Any product where the content of the specific field(s) you have selected matches your search term will now be displayed on the main Products page.

Product & Listing Filters

Product Filters can be used to tailor your list of products based on the criteria you specify. Filtering can be useful when you want to view only products that conform to certain requirements, for example – all your products that have an active listing on eBay, or only products that have been created/imported within the last 7 days etc.

It is important to remember that product filters are used in conjunction with one another. This means that if you use multiple filtering criteria, a product must fulfil ALL of those requirements in order to be shown in the results.

You can Show or Hide filters at any time on the top-right corner of your Products page:

Filter Descriptions

Filter: "Status"
Default or Optional: Default
Details: Allows you to filter your products based on which status the listings are currently in (eg. Active, Error, Inactive, Paused, Updating)

Filter: "Channel"
Default or Optional: Default
Details: Allows you to filter your products based on which of your Sales Channels they are listed on (eg. eBay, Amazon EU, Amazon NA, Shopify etc.)

Filter: "Account"
Default or Optional: Default
Details: Allows you to filter your products based on which of your Accounts they are listed on (eg. if you have more than one account on the same channel, this makes it easier to filter by one specific account)

Filter: "Site"
Default or Optional: Default
Details: Allows you to filter your products based on which of your sales channels Sites they are listed on (eg. Amazon UK, Amazon US, eBay Germany etc.)

Filter: "More" (future release)
Default or Optional: Default
Details: The "More" option allows you to select from a list of other optional filters to add on as well as the default filters

Applying Filters

There is an Apply Filters button once you have selected all the required filters, and you can also Clear filters to remove all current criteria:

Future Releases:

Saving a Filter (coming soon!)

We will also be introducing the option to Save filters for regular use:

When you Save a filter, you will need to give it a Filter Name so that you can identify it next time you want to use the same filter, and you will be presented with the option for whether you want to "Save for Current User" ie. just the user profile that you are currently logged into, or "Save for All Users" which will make your saved filter accessible to all users of your Company's ChannelGrabber account:

If you save a filter, it will be accessible within the Saved Filters drop-down menu at the left hand side of the Product Filters section, so it can be applied with one click next time:

Additional Filters from the "More" menu (future releases)

If you would find any of the below additional filters particularly useful, or have requests for other product data that you would like to be able to filter by in ChannelGrabber, please let us know by emailing

Filter: "Available Stock"
Default or Optional: Optional
Details: Allows you to set a search range (eg. "From 1 to 10") to show products with an available stock level within your specified range

Filter: "Date Imported"
Default or Optional: Optional
Details: Allows you to view products based on when the product was first created/imported into ChannelGrabber

Filter: "Linked Products"
Default or Optional: Optional
Details: Allows you to choose whether to include or exclude Linked Products from your filter results

Filter: "Low Stock Threshold"
Default or Optional: Optional
Details: Allows you to search for products based on the current Low Stock Threshold mode that is set (eg. "Default", "On" or "Off"), and/or the range (eg. "From 1 to 10") to show products with an Low Stock Threshold within your specified range

Filter: "Picking Location"
Default or Optional: Optional
Details: Allows you to search for products based on their assigned Picking Location value

Filter: "Stock Mode"
Default or Optional: Optional
Details: Allows you to search for products based on the current Stock Mode that is set (eg. "Default", "List All", "List Up To" or "Fixed At"), and/or the range (eg. "From 1 to 10") to show products with a Stock Mode quantity within your specified range

Filter: "Supplier"
Default or Optional: Optional
Details: Allows you to search for products based on their assigned Supplier value

Filter: "VAT Rate"
Default or Optional: Optional
Details: Allows you to search for products based on their assigned VAT Rate value per region (eg. "GB VAT" or "DE VAT" etc.)

Filter: "Weight"
Default or Optional: Optional
Details: Allows you to set a search range (eg. "From 0.5kg to 2kg") to show products with a weight within your specified range

Filter: "Dimensions"
Default or Optional: Optional
Details: Allows you to set a search range (eg. "From 1cm to 35cm") to show products with a dimension (Width, Height, Length) within your specified range

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