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CG - Bulk Actions

Learn how to apply an action to multiple orders at once, to make processing orders more efficient

Chelsea Kelly avatar
Written by Chelsea Kelly
Updated over a week ago

The Action buttons on the top of the Orders page allow for easy updating of one or more of your orders at once.

Before clicking on one of the Batch Update buttons, you must select one or more orders on which to apply the selected option.

1. Select one or more of the orders from the Orders List.

( In the image below, I have selected 4 orders )

2. Once you have selected one (or more) orders. Click on the relevant button to apply the selected option. The information below, explains each option further.

Clicking the main Invoice button on this option will generate an invoice for ALL the selected orders. 

Clicking Invoice > by SKU will generate invoices in order of SKU.

Clicking Invoice > Send by Email will generate and send the invoices via email to each of the customers for the selected orders.

Clicking on Pick List will generate a list of all the items you need to collect for the selected orders

Clicking on Dispatch will dispatch the selected orders and update them on your channels too

Clicking on the Ship will allow you to generate courier labels for your connected shipping accounts for the selected orders.

The To CSV option, will generate a CSV file for the selected orders. This will contain ALL of the order information that ChannelGrabber holds relating to those orders, with one data row per item ordered. 

The CSV > Order Date Only option will produce one data row per order, which will show the main order information for the selected orders, but not individual items ordered.

Clicking on Tag will label the selected orders with your chosen word(s). You can easily view which orders are tagged, by filtering by a Tag, or choosing to view the Tag column on the orders page.

Selecting Batch will group the selected orders so that you can view and process them together. You can see your order batches on the left hand side of the orders page below the Filter sections, or filter by batches. You can also remove orders from batches by selecting an order, then clicking Batch > Remove

Clicking on Archive will archive the selected orders. 

You can view your Archived orders by choosing to filter by "Is Archived > Yes".

You can Un-Archive orders. By selecting an archived order and clicking on Archive > Un-Archive (as it is likely that you are filtered by Archived orders, the order will be removed from the current filter).

Note about Archiving:
The system will automatically archive orders after 3 months by default.  You can amend your preferences for this in Settings > Order Management > Orders if you wish to change this.

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