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CG - The Orders Page Overview

A quick-start guide to finding your way around the Orders page

Chelsea Kelly avatar
Written by Chelsea Kelly
Updated over a week ago

Clicking on the Orders button from your main navigation bar will load in your Orders page, which is where all order processing is done.

The Filters Toolbar
Select and apply filters to your orders to customise the selection of orders you are viewing:

The Actions Toolbar
Once you have selected the orders you want to process, use options from the actions toolbar to apply the same process to all your selected orders.
eg. Invoice / Pick List / Dispatch / Ship / To CSV / Tag / Batch / Archive:

Quick Access Filters
The system automatically allows you to quickly view orders based on the current status of the order.
This section also shows any filters you have previously saved and all active batches of orders:

The Orders Table

All orders are displayed in the orders table, which can be customised to include different columns depending on your requirements:

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