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CG - Applying Tags to Orders

Tags let you categorise orders in a way unique to your business and its needs

Chelsea Kelly avatar
Written by Chelsea Kelly
Updated over 4 years ago

Tags serve as a way to categorise your orders and can be highly customised to suit your business.

Create your tag

First we must create our tag. This is done quite simply by selecting an order using the tick box on the left, then clicking the Tag button in the action bar:

Then when prompted, type the name of the tag to be used and click the Create button:

In this example we're using "Packed" as the tag, to help us identify an order that is packed, but not yet dispatched.

Once a tag has been created, it will automatically be applied to the order(s) that were selected, but you will also be able to select that tag again for future orders, by clicking in the drop-down arrow on the Tag button and selecting from your previously created tags:

Add the tag column to the orders table

Now that your tag exists, click the Settings icon in the top right of the orders table:

This will allow you to add new columns to the table. Your new tag will be selectable from this list - new tags are added at the end of the list (though you may need to refresh the page first):

Select your tag from the list. This will create a brand new column in your orders table with the same header as your tag (you can click and drag this column to move it to the position in the orders table that you prefer). This column will consist of checkboxes, which you can now check and un-check to apply or remove tags from an order as needed:

This allows you to see which orders are tagged at-a-glance, as well as quickly adding and removing a tag on any order.Β 

It will also allow you to filter by orders which are tagged. In the filter section at the top of the page click on "More: ... " and find the Tags filter. Check the tick box to add this filter:

On the Tag filter section you can now select your tag(s) then click the Apply Filters button to filter the orders page to only show orders with that tag applied:


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