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CCP - Configuring & Generating Customer Statements
CCP - Configuring & Generating Customer Statements

How to create email or printable customer statements for trade customers in Cloud Commerce Pro

Dylan West avatar
Written by Dylan West
Updated over a week ago

This guide will take you through the steps required to create to set up customer statements, which can be triggered to email to your trade customers as and when you need them, or be printed off to be sent in the post.


1. Admin Centre

From the Admin Centre in Cloud Commerce Pro, click "Configuration" in the top right.

2. Configuration Options

From the pop-out menu on the left, click "Letters" to drill into that section. Finally click "Template Editor".

3. Template Editor Screen

On the Template Editor Screen, click the "New" button to begin creating a fresh template.

4. Creating The Template

Here you can style your template as you see fit. To pull in the data of the statement you use the tag β€œ$CUSTOMERSTATEMENTDATA$”.

Alternatively you can copy the HTML code from the link below, click the "Source Code" button on the editor and paste it in for an instant template:

5. Creating The Template Continued

Finish off your template by selecting an appropriate language.
Set the category to "General" and give the template a memorable name and subject line.

Once you're happy with your template, click the "Save" button to finish. You can always edit a template later if you've missed something or made a mistake.

6. Return To Configuration Options

Next we need to create a trigger that will activate the template when requested. Head back to the Configuration Options menu by click "Configuration" in the top right.

On the menu click "Letters" to drill into that section, and then click "Triggers".

7. Triggers Screen

You likely already have many triggers configured which will show in the list here.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page to add a new trigger.

Use the drop down boxes and set your new trigger as shown below.

  • Trigger - Set this specifically to "CustomerStatementExport"

  • Template - This is the name you gave to the template you created in the previous steps

  • Method - Select an appropriate method of delivery. "Email" will email it to the customer as a PDF attachment. "Print" will allow you to print it off yourself.

Once you're done, click "Save Changes".

8. Return To Configuration Options

Had back over to the Configuration Options Menu from earlier. This time click "Letters" to drill into that section, then click "Email Settings".

9. Customer Statement Emails

Scroll down to the bottom of the Email Settings screen to find the Customer Statement Email template editor.

As your statement will be emailed to the customer as a PDF attachment, this template will configure how the main body of that email will look. You can add HTML code and tags just like the previous template editor to personalise it to your branding.

This email will be sent to the customers admin email address when you generate a statement unless you configured your trigger to print.

When you're done, click the "Save" button.

10. Generating Statements: Return To Admin Centre

With everything in place we can now view and send out statements to customers.

From the Admin Centre, click the "Reports" button.

11. Report List

Here all of your reports are listed.

Click "Customer Statements" to continue.

12. Customer Statements Report

Use the drop-down boxes provided to filter out the customer or group of customers you want to find and click "View Report" to generate a list.

Clicking on the customer icon will take you through to their account. Clicking on the customer name will expand the row to show you a breakdown of their account.

13. Sending Customer Statements

You can now send your customers their statement by clicking one or more checkbox beside their names and clicking the "Run Triggers" button.

14. Triggers List

Your triggered statements will now enter a queue until processed, at which point they will be emailed to the customer. You will be taken to the triggers queue so you can keep track of when they are sent.

If there are any issues with the trigger, they will display here.

15. Final Statement

The customers statement will now either be emailed to them as a PDF attachment or sent to your print queue depending on how you set your trigger.

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