The customer accounts screen allows you to view detailed invoice and payment information, add payments, credit notes and one-off invoices and allocate them all together as required.
Such information can also be sent directly to your accounts package. Packages supported include Sage Line 50, Quickbooks and Xero.
1. Admin Centre
From the admin centre in Cloud Commerce Pro, click "My Customers".
2. Customer / Company List
Find the customer you require from the list either by using the search box or using the alphabetised filter along the top.
3. Customer / Company Details
From the customer details screen click "View Accounts".
4. Customer / Company Accounts
Here you will find the customer accounts screen. There is a section for proformas, which are invoices waiting to be paid and a statements section for paid invoices, credit notes and payments. You will also find general information on that customer's balance and credit limit.
5. Statements
There are three types of items you can expect to see in the statements section:
The black page icon indicates a credit note
The coin in hand icon is for payments
The white page is for invoices
6. Copies
Clicking an invoice or credit note will produce a printable copy if required.
7. Detailed Guides
Click the links below for detailed guides on how to use each function of the customer accounts screen.