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CG - DPD Local

Learn how to connect your DPD Local courier account with your ChannelGrabber account then create and print DPD Local labels for your orders

Chelsea Kelly avatar
Written by Chelsea Kelly
Updated over 4 years ago

Connecting a DPD Local Account

1.  Go to Settings > Channel Management > Shipping Channels:

2. From the drop-down menu on the top right of the page, select “DPD Local” then click on the Add button:

3. You'll be presented with a form that requests your connection details from DPD Local, which are needed so that ChannelGrabber can integrate with your existing account. Please populate the required “DPD Local Account Information”, tick into any domestic and/or international Interlink services that you use and then enter your “Account Holder” details and click on the Submit Request button at the bottom of the page:

Once DPD Local have processed your request, they will email you with your test account details, including a Parcel Number Range, a Consignment Number Range and Authorisation Code.

Important Notes:

  • If you have more than one ChannelGrabber or ChannelGrabber Classic account, you must apply to DPD Local for a unique Parcel Range/Consignment Range/Authorisation Code on each separate CG account.

  • The same Parcel Range/Consignment Range/Authorisation Code may not be used on more than one CG account as this can lead to duplicate and/or mis-routed consignments.

  • Neither ChannelGrabber nor DPD Local can be held responsible for any labels or manifests that are generated in ChannelGrabber until after DPD Local have provided official sign off via email. You MUST complete the below test phase before DPD Local will provide sign off.

Adding Your Test Details to ChannelGrabber and Submitting Labels for Approval

4. Navigate to Settings > Channel Management > Shipping Channels. The status on the DPD Local profile will be “Pending”. Please toggle the “Enable” switch from “OFF” to “ON”

Please enter your test Client Name, Account Number, From Parcel Number, To Parcel Number, From Consignment Number, To Consignment Number and Authorisation Code as provided by DPD Local, and leave the “Are these live credentials?” box unticked for now, then click on the Link Account button:

6. When in test mode in ChannelGrabber, you will see a link to "Download TEST_PACK_LABELS.ZIP" when managing your DPD Local account. Please click onto this link to open the zip folder:

Inside the zip folder, you will find two documents, a PDF file called "TEST_PACK_LABELS" which contains a set of test labels that you can print onto your chosen label stationary, and a manifest file, with a filename such as "01247268-001.201" for example, which you can email to the person at DPD who is dealing with your integration.  Please do not alter this filename or the content of the manifest file.

Important Note:

When printing the labels, please ensure "Dithering" is set to off in your printer settings (this is the most common reason for labels to be rejected by DPD). Dithering can be found within the print dialogue options and is usually defaulted to "Halftone" but needs to be set to "None". Labels should also be printed landscape instead of the default portrait, and always on 6x4" labels, not 4x4" labels.

DPD Local themselves have said: we would advise customers to amend the print settings of the thermal printer so that the bars are not bleeding into one another, which inevitably causes a failed scan grade. If the customers could possibly print several test labels using varied speed settings and note the reading/settings used, on the back of each label, this would be very helpful in making it more likely for the labels to be approved the first time around, without the need for multiple physical test packs to be sent by the customer.
7. The first label from the test pack is the address to post your test labels to, so this should be stuck on an envelope with the rest of the test labels placed inside. You will need to add postage and send directly to DPD using the address they provide for test labels.

8. Once DPD Local have approved your test labels and manifest, they will email you with your live account details. When you have received these, please go to Settings > Channel Management > Shipping Channels and on the DPD Local profile, click the Manage link:

9. Click on the Renew Connection button:

10. Enter your new LIVE account details and this time, make sure you tick the “Are these live credentials?” box, then click on the Link Account button to finalise the connection:

11. The final step is to check your DPD Local account settings, to specify a “Display Name” and which Trading Company you are printing DPD Local labels for, then click the Save button:

Once saved, you can move into any other area of your ChannelGrabber account to continue with your daily tasks.

Creating & Printing Labels

If you have not already set up Shipping Aliases then we recommend that you do this first to make the shipping process more efficient/automated.

Then you can follow one of these guides depending on what kind of stationery/printer you are using for your labels:


Generating a DPD Local Manifest

It is crucial that you send the manifest to DPD Local via ChannelGrabber, as that is what books the labels in with DPD Local and ensures that they have all the correct delivery data.

Each day when you have finished processing your DPD Local labels in ChannelGrabber, you need to click the Ship > Manifests button:

A small pop-up will then appear to allow you to choose which courier to manifest (if you have more than one that can be manifested through CG) so just select DPD Local and click the Generate button:

This will then submit your manifest digitally to DPD Local.

If you need to find records of labels created via CG on DPD's side you can follow this process in your DPD system:
Deliveries > Search > Specify Account > Select date range > Click search

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