This guide will take you through the process of importing customer details in bulk via spreadsheet in Cloud Commerce Pro.
1. Admin Centre
From the Admin Centre screen in Cloud Commerce Pro, click the "My Customers" button.
2. Customer List
On the Customer List screen, click "Export" at the top.
3. Customer Exports
Here we can generate a spreadsheet of your existing customers that can be used as a template and supplies us with all the headers required.
Click the "Export Customers" button. Once complete your export will appear in the exports list below.
4. Actions Menu
Hover your mouse over the "Actions" tab next to your newly generated export for more options.
Click "Download Spreadsheet" before saving it to your device. Feel free to rename the spreadsheet to make it easier to find.
5. Spreadsheet
Open the export in your preferred editing tool such as Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets or LibreOffice Calc.
Delete all the existing customer data under row 1 leaving the headers intact before entering your new customer data.
The information required here will be a mixture of parts you supply and others that the system will auto-fil for you. We will go over the various headers below:
Acc Ref, UserName, Password & AgentID - These four fields will be auto-filled by the system when you import it in. Leave them blank for now.
Name, Telephone Number, Mobile, Address1, Address2, Town, County, Postcode, Country, VAT No & Fax - These fields should be self-explanatory. Fill them in as best you can. Address2, VAT No and Fax can be left blank if not required.
Sales Channel ID - This can be found by visiting the "Selling" section of Cloud Commerce Pro and is the 4-5 digit number under "Channel ID" for the sales channel you want to connect this customer to.
EU VAT Exemption - If you have a customer who is exempt from EU VAT, this can be toggled on here by entering "1". If they don't or you are unsure, keep the value as "0" which toggles it off.
Terms - This should be "0". While there are multiple customer payment terms available in CCP, bulk importing currently only allows the setting of "Full Payment Before Dispatch" (the default for all retail customers). If you need a different payment term, this will need to be changed manually in the system after the customer has been created. Please view the guide here for information on how to set payment terms manually.
Type - Choose between "Trade" or "Retail". The default standard customer type in CCP in Retail.
SageAccountID - If your customer is a Sage user and you have this information to hand, it can be added here. Otherwise this can be left blank.
Loyalty Points - If you have loyalty points enabled and wish to start the customer off with some, these can be added here.
When you are happy with all the data you have added, save your spreadsheet and head back to Cloud Commerce Pro and navigate to the Customer Screen from earlier.
6. Return To Customer List
Back on the customer screen, this time click the "Import" button.
7. Upload Spreadsheet
First we need to upload our amended spreadsheet so we can import the information into the system.
Click the "Upload Spreadsheet" button. Find your saved spreadsheet on your device and select it.
When the upload is complete, your spreadsheet will appear at the top of the list. Check the tick box next to it in order to use this particular spreadsheet for the importation process.
8. Step 23 - Customer Import
With your new spreadsheet selected, scroll down the import page until you find "Step 23" and click "Import Customers".
The importation process will begin and the progress will show in the box below. The time this takes can vary depending on how much information you are importing.
Once complete, it will display as such under status.
If any errors occur, these will be shown at the bottom with information on which rows and columns in the spreadsheet are effected, so you can make necessary changes.