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CG - Reconnect a disabled Sales Channel
CG - Reconnect a disabled Sales Channel

What to do if a Sales Channel becomes disconnected from ChannelGrabber

Matthew Taylor avatar
Written by Matthew Taylor
Updated over 11 months ago

From time to time the connection to your Sales Channels become disabled. There are different factors affecting this including:

  • Security details on the channel have changed, requiring the connection with ChannelGrabber to be reset.

  • The token provided by the Sales Channel has expired - for some channels these are only valid for a limited time.

  • The connection to the Sales Channel has failed multiple times - often due to server errors on the channel itself.

When a Sales Channel disconnects the main email address associated with your account will receive a message to renew the connection to the channel.

You can reconnect a Sales Channel by doing the following:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Sales Channels on your account

  2. Next to the relevant Sales Channel, click Manage to open the settings for the channel

  3. Here, click Renew Connection

This will take you take you to the relevant channel, where you can sign in and grant ChannelGrabber access permissions to the account.

Please note that if you have multiple of the same Sales Channel, cached browser data might automatically sign you into the wrong Sales Channel automatically. In order to avoid this, we recommend using an in-private browser, such as google chrome's incognito mode when renewing the connection for each of your channels.

Some Sales Channels may have different requirements for renewing a connection in some situations. For example, if your credentials for WooCommerce has changed, you may new to generate a new key and secret, as per the guide.

It is also important not to create a new Sales Channel if the account is disabled, as doing so can cause duplicated orders to import and stock to become incorrect.

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